Martin Luther King By: David Adler

Team Name: Group 3
Team Members: Leslie, Lizzet, Sharmaynie , Johnekia, Stephanie and Art
Topic to teach: Transition Words and Patterns of Organization.
Goals: To read
Specific Objectives:
Inference-A conclustion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning. 
Figurative Language-Language enriched by work meanings and figures of speech.
Tone-vocal or musical sound, a full internal of a diatonic scale, style, charachter, feeling.

Quiz Questions: 
Who is the book about?
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King graduated High School at what age?   15
What was the famous speech called that Martin Luther King spoke of in 1963?
I have a dream.
In 1964 what was the famous prize that Dr. King won?
Nobel Peace Prize
In April 1968, what happened to Dr. King? 
He was killed

Vocabulary Words:
Character-the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
Minister-A member of the clergy of a church
Marches-Walk in a military manner with a regular measured trend.
Peace-Freedom from disturbance; quiet and transquility.

Each Living Thing By: Joanne Ryder

Team Name: Group 3
Team Members: Leslie, Lizzet, Sharmaynie , Johnekia, Stephanie and Art
Topic to teach: Modes of Organization
Goals: To read
Specific Objectives:
Fact-is something is true about a subject and can be tested.
Opinion-A view judgement or apprasel formed in the mind about a particular matter.
Bias-is an inclination to present or hold a partial perpective at the expense of alternatives.

Quiz Questions: 
Who is the book about?
What do owls do at night?
What do crabs do?
What should we do for animals?
Take care of them
What do GIANT turtles do in the sea?

Vocabulary Words:
Stinging-Wound or pierce with a sting
Prowling-To roam through stealthily, as in search of prey or plunder.
Snapping-To snatch at with or as if with the teeth; bite
Hunting-The activity of hunting wild animals or game,
Creeping-Move slowly and carefully.

Team Name: Group 3
Team Members: Leslie, Lizzet, Sharmaynie , Johnekia, Stephanie and Art
Topic to teach: Four Modes of Writing
Goals: To read
Specific Objectives:
Narrative Mode-tells a story, either true or fictional. 
Descriptive Mode-the emphasis is on providing details that describe a person, place, object, concept, or experience.  The writing may employ the user of figurative language and include material that appeals to one of more of the five senses. 
Expository Mode-An author who is trying to explain something.  Writing that explains ideas and how things work.  It is more likely to be logical and factual.  Persuasive Mode-meant to convince you of something. 

Quiz Questions: 
Who is the book about?
Marvin K Mooney
What must Marvin K Mooney do?
What polite word is used in the book?
When do they want Marvin K Mooney to go?
What famous author is this book written by?
Dr. Seuss

Vocabulary Words:
Go-move form one place to another
Boom-Make a loud, deep sound
Went-travel a specified distance or time.

What Make Day and Nigy By: Chris Arvetis and Carole Palmer    

Team Name: Group 3
Team Members: Leslie, Lizzet, Sharmaynie , Johnekia, Stephanie and Art
Topic to teach: The student as the learner
Goals: To read
Specific Objectives: 

Quiz Questions: 
Who is the book about?
Day and Night
Howw many days are in a year?
How many hours does it take for the earth to go around the sun?
What do we see in the sky when it is night?
What do we see in the sky when it is day?

Vocabulary Words:
Earth-a planet
year-365 days
night-the sun is on the the other side of the earth
day-the sun is on our side